Friday, October 16, 2020

Strange World


Free use image copyright Adryanah on Pixabay

I can't escape you or your frozen eyes
eyes blue like Earth's skies with a solar gold ring
not indigo or tangerine
you have my heart on a vermilion string

noon feels like midnight
I want to hide and not be seen
you have my heart on a vermilion string
not indigo or tangerine

my youthful dreams fade into dusk
I no longer see color in anything
not indigo or tangerine
you have my heart on a vermilion string

never would I return to that place
or to that vapid, toxic scene
you have my heart on a vermilion string
not indigo or tangerine


Poetry style
Mirrored Refrain

Know the Notes
The title of the poem is a nod to Iron Maiden's 1980 song "Strange World," one of my all-time favorites. I have never belonged to this world, so I think it's a strange place to try to live. Or, perhaps, I'm just strange and really unlikable. I don't discount that possibility.

The first line of the poem is from Rainbow's 1982 song, "Stone Cold."

Been there, done that.

Sang that song a lot when my boyfriend dumped me.

This poem isn't about him. It was 35 years ago, and literal years can go by without a thought of him crossing my mind. He isn't interesting enough to inspire poetry being written about him in any case.

This poem isn't about anyone in particular. It's more about the personification of a feeling or idea.

Snag more somber poetry here.

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Copyright Information

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Copyright 2020 by Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld

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