Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp
A haven for creative people living with mental illness. This is the place where you can tell it like it is, not yet another place where you have to pretend to be someone you've been told you should be.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Retiring Blog

Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Insecure Writers Support Group 6 November 2024
November 6 question - What creative activity do you engage in when you're not writing?
I was going to include an art project for all y’all phucquers to view with wonder and envy, but I haven’t made a new one yet this month.
I could include my failed potato chips in the food dehydrator experiment. Sadly, this only wasted a few perfectly good potatoes. They turned out awful. I took one bite and spit it right out. I can make good beef jerky in the food dehydrator, and I expect my apple chip experiment to turn out okay too.
I haven’t baked anything in a hot minute. I need a new 13 X 9 pan. At least with my baking experiments, even if they turn out looking like the lemon pound cake disaster pictured above, they still taste good.
I actually enjoy mixing drinks even though I haven’t drunk alcohol in years. Amazingly enough, I never ended up addicted to alcohol. I say amazingly, because in my younger days I drank enough of it to keep several liquor stores in business. I can have a sip here and there if I really want one, but even drinking enough to get a buzz on doesn’t agree with me.
I like loom knitting and making latch hook rugs. After the Month
of Word Count Hell is over, I need to make time for those things

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Ghost Stories #InsecureWritersSupportGroup
My early memories include my father reading A Christmas Carol. Scrooge's ghosts have stuck with me throughout my life.
I was a precocious child and a bit of a Wednesday Addams. By the time I was six years old, I was reading Edgar Allan Poe and my father’s collection of EC and Warren comics. I loved the horror hosts who, despite their fearsome appearances (and Vampirella’s scanty attire), were actually quite wholesome.
In my first grade classroom, there was a book about a haunted house with an evil spirit in a jar. I’ve never found another copy of this treasure.
being forgotten
never being recognized
forgetting oneself

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
A Youthful Experience That Made Me Hate Outlining
September 4 question - Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?
Thanks to my sixth-grade teacher, I literally became anxious to the point of panic attack when I even thought about outlining fictional work. I was okay with outlining essays, but making an outline for a story nauseated me.
Let's call this teacher Professor Dullard. I was a shy, sensitive, awkward kid who hated gym, was bad at math, did okay in science, and excelled at writing. One of the skills assessment tests we took in the fifth grade indicated that I was writing at an eighth-grade level. Although I didn't really like myself very much, I was proud to be an advanced writer.
Professor Dullard was a man obsessed with outlines. Looking back on him with nearly sixty-year-old eyes, I realize he was possibly also in an intimate relationship with Jack Daniels and his partner Jimmy Beam. He was quick to anger, verbally abusive, and, on at least one occasion, physically abusive. He shouldn't have been teaching children, adults, guard dogs, or anything else.
I was always excited when it was time to write stories because this was an area where I felt confident throughout school. Professor Dullard was about to rob me of my one area of confidence.
Here are the rules for writing a story in Professor Dullard's style.
1) Write an outline.
2) Follow your outline closely. Stay consistent with your outline. Don't deviate from your outline. You wrote the outline; the story must follow the outline.
Get the picture?
3) If your story is exactly like your outline, you will fail the assignment because Professor Dullard will know that you wrote the story first.
I always thought that even if I sucked at everything else, I was still a good writer. However, Professor Dullard managed to not only strip away my confidence in my literary abilities but also to make me start hating an activity that previously brought me comfort. I was not a popular kid. I was severely bullied. Writing took me away from that.
Now, it felt like I couldn't even do writing right. Maybe it felt like even writing hated me. I was so stupid. I'd been doing writing wrong all along.
Until now, I have always thought that my defiant attitude started in seventh grade. The bullying was even worse than it had been in elementary school. I started smoking (both kinds: tobacco and weed.) I started drinking. I started taking pills when I could get my hands on them. I started listening to "devil music" (I grew up during the height of the Satanic Panic).
I went from being a sweet, docile girl who just wanted people to like her to an angry, sullen girl who lashed out and just wanted fuckers to leave her alone. I went from daydreaming about being beamed up by Scotty and becoming a member of the Enterprise crew to daydreaming about having a favorite musician pull up in front of the school. I'd jump in his car, and off we'd go.
I know what many of you are thinking, but these weren't usually Prince Charming daydreams. I wasn't the groupie type. The knight in faded denim usually presented as a platonic friend rather than a love interest. Someone like Ronnie Van Zant saying, "C'mon, Kid, ditch these losers and come hang out with the band. We'd love to hear what you think about the new songs."
Pardon my trip down memory lane. What I'm getting around to is this: my defiance didn't start in junior high. It started in the sixth grade. That moment when I saw nobody was looking, I swiped Professor Dullard's key from his file cabinet and tossed it behind his desk, then I pushed the button to lock the file cabinet. He was so pissed off, and nobody suspected me because I was always a goody-two-shoes who hardly said boo.
I'd never been a vengeful person before, and I was ashamed of my actions even then. On the other hand, I thought he deserved it for making my and several of his other least favorites' lives miserable.
From that day forward, I avoided writing outlines for stories. I cut class a lot in my sophomore year of high school, so I tried to make up for it in my junior year. I was doing independent study with a teacher I remember kindly, unlike Professor Dullard.
When Dr. Dave told me he wanted me to create an outline for a story, I said, "Oh, no!" and nearly burst into tears. He was surprised by my reaction and asked me why I was so upset. I told him all about my hellish sixth-grade year with Professor Dullard.
Dr. Dave told me Professor Dullard's approach was erroneous. I had the feeling he wanted to say the man was an idiot but was trying not to bash a fellow educator. He told me he simply wanted to see my ideas for the story laid out cohesively. The story would be graded on its own merit. If it completely deviated from the outline, I wouldn't be punished.
Dr. Dave reinforced the idea that outlining was a tool. Still, once school was behind me, I never outlined a story again. I was a complete pantser until a few years ago when I began utilizing a separate document for notes while writing, and I morphed into a plantser.
I now use AutoCrit's story planner to help me organize my thoughts. A proper planner would be horrified by my haphazard, scattershot notes, but they work for me. The word outline no longer makes me feel like I'm going to barf or need a toke or a shot of whiskey to calm my nerves. I've finally removed Professor Dullard's poison from my psyche. I call that a win!
~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Friday, August 9, 2024
AI, AI, AI #InsecureWritersSupportGroup
August 7 question - Do you use AI in your writing, and if so, how? Do you use it for your posts? Incorporate it into your stories? Use it for research? Audio?
I don't and never will use AI to write my stories for me. I primarily use it to generate writing prompts and ideas. I have used AutoCrit, Claude, and QuickWrite for this function.
You know those really bad shifter romances available on certain phone apps? My son and I decided that most of those are probably written by AI.
I could go off about the state of genre publishing, but why would I when Rick Partlow does a much better job of it?
I've used AI to help me write information-based blog posts, so yes, I do use it for research. I've used Claude for this function and there's also a search engine called For outlining, I primarily use QuickWrite. For helping tighten up the text, I mostly use WordTune. I also use Hemingway to help me make things more concise because I tend to go on and on and on and on.
I use AI to help me come up with book titles because I suck at coming up with titles.
I use AI to help me write proto-blurbs because I also suck at writing blurbs.
I use AI to create pictures of my characters because it helps make writing fun again, rather than the task it's often become since I decided to make writing a profession rather than a hobby. I primarily use Pixlr or QuickWrite for this function.
I use several AI editing programs. Okay, I use all the editing programs to one degree or another. AutoCrit and WordTune do the heavy lifting, but I use both Grammarly and ProWritingAid as adjuncts.
For clarification, AutoCrit is a multi-faceted platform, not just an editing program.
You can check out three of my favorite programs below.
AutoCrit changed the way I write and the way I edit. I have a lifetime membership.
Hemingway isn't an editor like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or WordTune. It helps you make your writing more concise.
QuickWrite has its quirks, but I mostly like it. I have a lifetime membership. Here's a hint. If you want an erotica writing prompt, phrase it as "steamy romance." QuickWrite will scold you if you ask it to help you write erotica. It also scolded me for asking it to write a description of a banshee, telling me I shouldn't believe in evil supernatural creatures.

Friday, July 19, 2024
Fat Friday: Handsome Sam's Closet

Monday, July 15, 2024
Who the Hell Said You Could Write?
I honestly thought I published this post three days ago. I think I'm losing what was left of my mind.
I can’t recall
I later learned that my father hoped I would become a professor of Middle English because of my early interest in the subject. I was a precocious
Scarier still, I
These days I find myself wishing I could
I can’t do that, though. I don’t have any sort of time machine or portal spell that will allow me to journey to the past and talk sense to my
I grew up in New Mexico. I learned to hate fire ants early on. I’m surprised I haven’t written a horror story about fire ants yet. Or maybe I’m not. I really don’t care
Word Nerd Bonus
If you'd like to see a comparison between the first draft of this post and the finished version, hop over to Readers Roost.
I removed 50 filler words and restructured sentences and paragraphs to enhance clarity and readability. Both versions of the post convey the same message, but the second one does so more efficiently.