Monday, April 1, 2024

A to Z Challenge 2024: Anxiety

It's my goal to let the world 🌎 see 👀 what anxiety means to me. 
Maybe also to you, or maybe to someone you know. 
In segments of one hundred words each, I'll try to educate about a problem that I haven't been able to adequately describe using tens of thousands of words. 
You don't think I can do it. 
I doubt I can either, but you never know because sometimes less is more. 
I haven't handwritten anything in a long time, and it shows. 
To be fair, my handwriting has always been crap, but it's gotten worse. 
So goes my first disgusting drabble. 

Ornery Owl 🦉 has spoken. 

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the Blogger app for Android super sucks.

Here's a concert from an Argentinian band called Soda Stereo.


  1. This speaks to me. You got this! A hundred words are not many but you are doing so well.

  2. As someone who has anxiety, I am here for this theme! Happy A to Z!

    The Multicolored Diary


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