Saturday, April 20, 2024

A to Z Challenge 2024: Day 20: Tricky


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

When I was younger and believed God/the Universe/whatever was on my side despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, I reckoned I would one day magically turn into a confident and clever person with an impressive and unexpected solution for any problem. There would be aces up my sleeves along with my arms! I could pull a rabbit out of my hat at the drop of the hat! I would be some sort of female amalgamation of Gambit and MacGyver!

That was the fantasy.

The reality is I’m a bumbling numpty with a cool tattoo on my left calf.

Image copyright Cara Hartley/Ornery Owl

The photo is mine. I can't fathom why anyone else would want to use it, however I will allow it with proper attribution for neutral or positive purposes such as a tattoo appreciation or a Motörhead fan post. If you want to use it for immature and stupid reasons such as sniveling about how horrible it is for women to have tattoos or making shitty remarks about the weird indentations in my chonky leg, you can go fuck yourself. 

As for those people who enjoy feeling smug and superior about their tattoo-free state, isn't it nice that we live in a society where you can choose not to have tattoos while those who want them can have them? I have seven tattoos. They all have personal meaning for me. I hope someday I can afford to get a few more. 

Here's some tricky tunes.

If I had to pick a favorite Motörhead song, it would be Orgasmatron. The blunt philosophical takedown of religion, politics, and war delivered by a raspy-voiced, no-bullshit working class champion over a hard-driving melody and precise backbeat is at once brazen and transcendent. 

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Image created by me using Pixlr

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter T

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