Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A to Z Challenge 2024: Day 9: Island of Me


Does the Island of Me have a population of one, or should the myriad of characters floating around in my imagination stand up and be counted too?

If we did count them all, how many would there be?

I occasionally wonder if I’m a character in someone’s story.

If so, I’ve decided they have a sick sense of humor, and if I ever get out of this book, I’m going to whup their ass.

Then I’ll return to the Island of Me, even though sometimes I’m not sure I belong there.

Still, if not there, then where do I belong?

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Free use image by Gordon Johnson on Pixabay

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter I


  1. I often wonder which of the myriad of mes is the 'real' one.

  2. Aussie singer Richard Clapton had a hit back in the day with his song I am an Island. I've felt like that sometimes. I know it isn't true but it's hard to fight feelings with logic.


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