Sunday, May 12, 2019

Tan Renga Challenge 2019: Day 9: Snails

Snails in Moonlight
Artist Unknown

I bow to my master
Matsuo Basho told me the way
to watch a snail
Haiku taught me to embrace
the way of snail and turtle

Chèvrefeuille & Cie

The Hokku (Haiku) stanza of this Tan Renga was written by Chèvrefeuille. The Akegu (closing) stanza was written by me.
I am not being hyperbolic in any way when I say this. Participating in this exercise has been life-changing for me. Haiku is no longer simply a poetry form for me. It is a way of meditation, a way to improve not only my life but possibly the lives of others as well.

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