Free use image by Stefan Keller on Pixabay
I used to be nice
when all things were possible
bright colors of life
in the blue hotel
porcelain skin fades to gray
shades block out the light
I am seen as mean
when I refuse advances
predatory men
my heart draws the shade
against games that lead to naught
I protect myself
write a nice and/or mean poem
I used the Quadrille prompt from D'verse Poets, which was "Possibility." However, Quadrille poems are supposed to be 44 words. This poem is 53 words, and I didn't want to remove any of them because it would ruin the flow. So, I am saving it to share to the Weekly Scribblings prompt tomorrow instead. Now, that's using my noodle!
This poem was posted to these places:
The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)
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And why oh why is protecting ourselves seen as 'not nice'!!!!