They say it’s best to believe in yourself, and I suppose that’s true.
But what if you haven’t had experiences that make believing easy to do?
Everyone has let me down, and I’ve let me down the most.
I wish I could still drink and smoke weed so I could turn my circuits to toast.
Was I born with a bad brain?
Rotten synapses, just insane?
Or was I driven mad by the pain
Of living in a world
Where people think an oddball like me
Makes a real nice punching bag, both verbally and physically?
Does it matter anyway?
Not the best poem I ever wrote, but I didn't intend it to be a poem in the first place. It just came out that way.
In fairness, nothing I write is the best.

I don't think any of us think that writing is the best. And I think most of us feel we've let ourselves down at times. But every day is a new day to do better.