Mike Illich, founder of Little Caesar's, as photographed by Jonathan Daniel
Reading about the passing of Mike Illich, the founder of Little Caesar's, and his kindness to the late Rosa Parks, reminded me of a time in my life.
When I read the article, I thought, aw, this is nice! Maybe once I can eat without feeling queasy, I'll grab some Little Caesar's. I've had some weird, half-assed flu thing going on for the past couple of days.
Little Caesar's was pretty much what I lived on during my one semester at CU Boulder. I couldn't stand the cafeteria food and, to be honest, I wasn't doing very well psychologically. I would get a couple of Little Caesar's and eat them over the course of the week.
I had been a big party animal (which can be kind of a red flag in itself) who became very withdrawn after being sexually assaulted. When someone who was formerly outgoing, even if only under the influence of alcohol, suddenly becomes extremely withdrawn, it's usually a pretty big indicator that something has gone very wrong.
Of course in a situation like a college dorm, it's pretty easy for people to slip through the cracks. I don't blame anyone for not noticing that I had started avoiding social activities.
~The Cheese Hath Grated It~
I have no idea what this says.